About me

Boring things bore me, and ineffectiveness makes me bang my head against a wall. And most people feel like this too.

I tend to work with people that want to innovate their industry or elevate their community. And you can't do that with generic phrases.

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Number one

Innovation is the way 🎯

I believe that one of the easiest and most efficient ways to get a competitive advantage is through adapting swiftly to the new-coming technology. But I want to make my products last - that’s why I create systems that are easily manageable and improvable.

Number two

Greatness can only be achieved by communication đź’ˇ

Contrary to popular belief, doctors and designers don’t have telepathic abilities.
I believe it is incredibly important to talk - it saves up a lot of time of trial and error and pain on both ends of the deal.
For the same reason, I always explain why I made the choice that I did. It should be happening more often, right?

Number three

Learning from the mistakes. On the way 🧠

I believe in a little unorthodox approach. I don’t launch a “perfect” project just to see it destroyed by the unpredictable market. I do a lot of testing, and the first launch is just the core ideas, the backbone,  on which - with the help of metrics and feedback from the real users I build upon.


This is what I do. Mostly anyways:

Always starting with the digital side, I design long-lasting systems of presenting your brand, so instead of just a marketplace, you can become a community with loyal customers. I try to take advantage of my young age and learn from the best. Always show up with something refreshing.


Branding is what other people think and say about your brand - that’s why it’s so much more powerful than marketing.
And good branding is when your product becomes part of our lives and grows beyond just a thing into a part of one’s identity.
I design scalable, future-proof solutions that include a strategy for the brand’s approach, as well as a website and social media strategy that helps you represent yourself better.

Web design

Are you starting a business and don’t have a website? Or it's not getting you the results you would like? Or maybe it’s just out of date.
Whatever it might be, I create easily manageable websites with a results-first approach.

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There you can check out some of my projects or get in touch with me. Or just scroll and enjoy the subtle animations. I hope you like them...